I appreciate Cranberry rewarding me with this amazing scholarship. While looking into this trip to Kenya with Global Dental Relief, I was very hesitant about going without the scholarship; however, once finding out I was the recipient I was ecstatic! I immediately booked my plane flight to Kenya. While thinking of other ways to save money for this trip, other than working, I also decided to start a GoFundMe account. Gratefully, I received quite a few donations to help with this endeavor.

Kenya is an exquisite country and now that I have traveled there I only want to go back. This trip was so well organized and the trip leaders made the trip run smoothly. The people in Kenya are so nice and grateful. While with the kids in the clinic, it really opened my eyes to how little it takes to make these kids happy; if only American kids could be that way.

These kids were amongst the bravest kids I have ever been surrounded by. The kids would walk or take a bus to the clinic, come in the clinic without their parents by their side, sit in the dental chair and wait for the doctor with such gratefulness and sometimes a little apprehensive.

We were luckily able to see over 520 kids in the clinic, which is an amazing number to me. Many of these kids touched my heart and hold a special place where I will never forget about them. While in the clinic I was able to assist a few doctors. Once I finish hygiene school I most definitely plan on going on one of these trips again. Hopefully, this time I will be able to bring some friends along, or at least motivate them to make a trip of their own with this group, so they get to experience this once in a lifetime trip!

I met many amazing people while on this trip that I know will be lifelong friends now. In the beginning I was having a hard time remembering all their names but now each and every one of them hold a special place in my heart. At the end of the trip I realized all of these good people had such a unique character that it was hard not to remember their names. Saying goodbye was very hard, however I know at the end of the day it is just a "see you later."

Thank you Cranberry Scholarship for contributing and rewarding me with such a great opportunity to be able to accomplish an amazing volunteer experience!  I hope in a year I can apply again for this scholarship and either go to Kenya again or another country in need. I can truly say I found my true passion, helping others in need!

By Abby Washam, 2017