America’s Toothfairy

Cranberry supports America’s Toothfairy: National Children’s Oral Health Foundation (NCOHF), an organization that addresses children’s oral health crisis in the United States. NCOHF offers programs and resources to help communities with preventive and educational services.

Our Contribution

Smile Guardian

Education is a potent tool against tooth decay, and Cranberry's steadfast support in recognizing the importance of oral health education is invaluable. Our donation to America’s Toothfairy Smile Guardian Program enables them to distribute oral health education kits to non-profit partners, impacting over 1,250 children and caregivers. These kits provide essential knowledge on maintaining healthy smiles, covering topics like regular brushing, flossing, and a balanced diet.

Cranberry's contribution goes beyond mere provision; each kit was meticulously designed to encompass crucial information and interactive tools, tailoring guidance to each child's age and developmental stage. Our non-profit partners enthusiastically embraced these resources, organizing engaging sessions and activities that educated children and parents alike. Cranberry's support has become a catalyst for change, instilling a lasting foundation of knowledge to combat tooth decay within our community.

At Cranberry, we jointly strive to promote oral health education and ensure it's accessible to all, considering it a fundamental right for every child. Through our partnership with America’s Toothfairy, we look towards a future where dental health flourishes, leaving tooth decay behind. We extend our deepest gratitude to America’s Toothfairy, united in our mission to empower caregivers and children for a lifetime of oral health and happiness.